Mykonos, Katakolon and moms last dinner

So....Mykonos.....i was off until i decided i wanted to show my mom you know....i love it...and i was so happy i had time to go show her the island i love.....we left around 830, i say was outside punctual at 830 and i was 5min late....and NO....its not becoming a just looked at me and asked the same...s this becoming a habit....haha.....anyways...we took the shuttle bus to get there.....what a nice day....a little windy but nice......we took loads of pics and just relaxed and wondered the streets.....we had cappucino at my local spot, then i needed after having gone to a supermarket and pharmacy, and NOT finding anything, i decided to try and lingerie shop...they however dont have the whole suspenders it would be.....the goodthing is...if one breaks, gets a hole, i dont have to throw away the whole pair clever. As we were leaving the shop, i spotted a bikini from the corner of my eye...and where better to buy one than an island in Greece, a beach island. I tried it on, and if i may say so myself, it looked great, so bought it.....then off we went for some lunch......But first some pics..... 

Then lunch time, we found a really nice spot right on the front....and we sat in this white wooden table restaurant on these couches and ordered some typical Greek food....we ordered a cold platter, it consisted of tonsof dips, anchovies, aubergine salad etc etc, it was divine...and not to forget pita bread and fresh bread and YES olive oil....ate way too much but who cares cause it was is a pic

After lunch it was time for me to go back and mom stayed. I was operator, not su whether i have explained is the person in the back office that answers all the phone calls from the guests and room stewards who have maintenace to declare...sometimes quite enjoyable cause you dont have to face guests and SOMETIMES you get time to read a i was not complaining......successful the eveing i went to see the theatre show with a friend....hmmmmm...he said it looked really good....well...les just say at the end of the show i told him he owes me....the beginning was improved....but still, he owes me....that is always a good was 4 people playing instruments and in between they made these lame jokes, so the music alone was actually quite ok...the jokes was the really terrible part.....hmmmmm.......


Katakolon.....well actually im not going to bore you for long on this one.....i had the boat drill ehich means no time to go just had breakfast with mom, who then went off to Olympia and wine tour, them i chilled a little in the sun and then it was boat drill, captain's meeting and time to dont remember much of it, so i guess it was quite yes, that was we are on the last day that mom was pn the cruise ship.....Friday the 29th June......of course we had breakfast again in the VIP area......always a good start to the day with smoked salmon, proscuitto and yes you guessed BRIE and i love yes, that of course also was a sea day....and the last day...which is always time flew by. I ended work at 5, then i rushed to gym for my 30min treadmill, uphill walk, showered, washed my hair and met my mom at Le Bistro restaurant.....her choice....the captain also you might be wondering why he would be joining us for dinner...let me back track just a little. When my dad was still on board, my dad wanted to thank him for putting them onto the VIP list and somehow found out that he smokes cigar, so the two of them smoked a cigar got on and hence he came to dads 60th and. Oms last dinner.....


Le Bistro....always a good choice.....had some spakling wine, of course, and great starters, mains and a cheese platter for are some of the things we had....tender loin, mussels, smoked duck and walnut salad etc etc.....

Now it was almost time for mom to leave....she loved every day and i reallyenjoyed haing her here with me....was great to not have to share her the second week and have her all to myself. Im so close to her so it was great spendin some mother and daughter time...thanx mom....The amazing part is how well she can read me...i think that is also why we are so close....justcannot hide things from her, haha......cheers, chat soon...and guess what then im almost caught up....ill bewriting about the voyage we are on at the moment...yay! The one which im night shift......



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