Moderno and Mykonos i mentioned....this time Santorini i was unable to go out....shift from 12 until 18:30.....oh well had a very good Santorini last ill think ill im hoping the next week will be good because i was finished early....a speciality restaurant for dinner sounded like a very good plan.....hmmmmm....but which one.....i def wanted to try Moderno cause that is the only one (well and Teppanjaki), that i have not tried.....Moderno is the there is a huge anti-pasta and salad bar, after that you get a ticket which is green on one side and red on the other.....then they start bringing different meats and when you are full you just turn it from green to red.....and of course some sides come....beans.....mash....fried bananas and the meat....clever....they start with the cheapest and move up......I went for dinner with Banu and the the first choice we had was two types of sausages....chorizo and spicy something.....i tried that one...not bad.....after that came the lemon chicken leg and chicken breast wrapped in bacon......also good...actually very nice.....after that the captain decided instead of going by order he will just say what we want.....quite handy.....that way we got the fillet, sirloin and lamp chops (lamb chops i dont care about...fillet on the other hand was excellent)..... Lastly the waiter convinced us to try the speciality......some sliced beef of some sort, dont remember the name but apparently it is the Brazilian speciality.....hmmmmm....not my taste at all...was way to well cooked and just plain boring.....then came a really nice ending.....caramelized that was soooo good.....dessert def not for me.....Banu also decided to skip but captain had a mango rice pudding.......nice evening if i may say so are some pics.......

Now lets stop talking about food for just a little bit.......cause now Santorini is finished and i can talk about the beach in Mykonos has a couple of beaches....and yes....these ones are i had 4 hrs off, def cant complain......when we dock then yes, we have to take a shuttle the better option is to go to the beach just by the ship.....15min walk, has some nice why go far when there is such close one.....lucky for once Mykonos was not windy....this is seldom cause June and July normally its mostly the walk.....well was quite a i was def hoping that the beach was worth it.....quite well laid out, the that is, one side with the tavernas there is sundeck chairs which you can have for a small price and the other side you can choose to be on the we were not gonna spend 4hrs on the beach, so we didnt need umbrellas.....hence the sand was chosen....actually that feels much more beachy.......We tanned, swam and tanned.....but while i was tanning i didnt realise the tide was coming minute its all peaceful, im tanning etc etc....the this huge wave comes and i got covered in water....oh well....that was the hint that i should swim i guess.....water was nice....especially there were no pebbles in the much easier to enter......temperature.....prob similar to Corfu.....would be nice if it could be a little bit warmer.....but i was already this time it didnt really matter......we stayed about 2hrs and guessed correctly.....time for some food.....but first here is a pic of me......

We chose a small little taverna right by the ship, in actual fact when i once only had 1.5 hrs (you might remember me mentioning that, if you dont.......hmmmm.....maybe you need to see dr about memory loss.....just kidding.....sounds like im a little tired....actually im not tired im just relaxed.....), so where was i.....yes, we chose the taverna right by the ship and shared a Greek salad with some red pepper dip and olives and of course bread and olive oil......good stuff....after that yes, a coffee, macchiato.... good morning, early afternoon time for some work.....i guess when u read this blog it sounds like im on holiday....and i can guarantee you, im not.....def not complaining about my time here though.....having a really good time......but i dont have so many weeks actual fact 2.5..... Time flies.......basically i now have 2 Mykonos finished and tomorrow is Katakolon, we all got a nice schedule cause it is crew enrichment day.....more about that in my next blog.....cheers for now.....l



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