Wedding baby sister's wedding

Oh my sister, who wanted to be a nun (inspired by the movie Sister Act), is getting married....and to a guy that suites her perfectly.....we started getting reAdy around lunch time...make up artist, Victor Ortega, was flown in from Manila. He did my sister's, my mom's and my makeup....but now a few steps back...this wedding pre- celebration started on Wednesday night with a Swiss family dinner, Thursday night a pub crawl and Friday night a close family (Aboitiz and Bucher) at a Spanish tapas place (where the food was amazing...first time i tried nero paella)....but to the pub crawl we get later.....

Nero Paella
So....the make up artist was fabulous.....he did an amazing job, he also did the hair for the three of us...the other brides maides' make up and hair was done by his a pic of us getting ready for the big event....

My sister and Victor

Victor and me

I loved how subtle he did it...and then time for pics with the family and the brides maids...

Fabienne and I
Fabienne and I
Fabienne and I
Kim and I
Mom, Fabienne and Dad

Rocio, Lianne, Marga, my sister, me, Daniela and Yso

And the moment has arrived....time for the golf carts to take us down to the beach.....Amanda, the wedding co-ordinator, lined us all up....and slowly we all walked down the isle.....then...time for the bride and bride's dad.....Fabienne loked amazing....the dress was just so her.....beachy, flowey......

The wedding ceremony set-up
Daniela and I
Flower girls
Fabienne and Dad
Sandro and Fabienne
Then of course picture time....and canape was fab (so far)...but let me share some more pics from after the ceremony....
Fabienne and Sandro
Mutti, Dad, me, Fabienne, Sandro and Mom
Mutti (my gran)
Kim and I
Groom's mom's family
Me, Sandro, Fabienne and Kim

Then it was dinner time...the brides maids and grooms men were at the main table, everyone divine...lechon, pasta station, grilled station (scallops, squid and prawns), steamed prawns and lobster, salad bar.....just amazing.....and dessert bite size desserts..brownie, mango cheesecake and applecrumble...brilliant idea bite sizes...then the speeches....i was not nervous at all...and my sister loved it...even though i mentioned one or two childhood memories.....then cutting of the cake and first dance....and then throwing of the bouquet.....of course i went on stage....after all....only married people are not allowed up.....i mean whoever receives bouquet it means will get married next....and oh my word....i didnt even have to stretch...bouquet just landed in my hands...hahaha....and then.....let the party beginn....i loved the dancing and loved the fact that Kim danced a few songs with me....that meant the world to me....then....yes...also went onto the stage for some dancing..and managed to sing a little with Gina (the groom's mom) night as long as it a last few pics....

Fabienne and Sandro...the wedding was truly special...and definitely unforgettable, may you two be as happy as you are forever.....



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