Final day.....

So...finally the final morning...and guess what....i didnt have to work (you might think this is very obvious but there are actually a lot of people who still have to work) the only thing i had to do was......go to payroll, get paycheque at 8am and leave ship by 10:30...... Not too off i went for last staff mess breakfast for a while...and i must say i actually enjoyed....i guess cause i knew it would be a long time before this bircher muesli...fruits....and of course here is something you might not know about i eat my cheese (and yes, people that know me well, know how i eat it), first it HAS to be a THICK piece of cheese and no, not cheddar or gouda....good cheese...this morning it was Emmenthal...then take REAL butter (or back at home...i love Flora).....spread a thick layer on top of the cheese and then if neccessary sprinkle with some salt....i know im wierd...but so what.....hahaha.....cant help who Or what you love.......

So after breakfast it was time to collect the payslip....and then i went to the office....must have been just after 8.... Spent up there with my friends until 9:45..... They were all dead tired from the last night out....Michele did announcements, thanking the wrong captain.....Mark still smelt of alcohol and Banu 3 of us had to call to wake her...and Blanca was 15min late....but everyone managed to pass their morning and Afternoon shift (so i heard later)..... It was worth the 10, Ambra and Banu came down to the gangway with me to say good im not a crying person unless someone cries....then i prob will when Dina cried when she left...i also did.....and then first 10min on one cried...and then i lookEd at Banu and she started to crack a little...then more....and yes..then i also had is just sad...sometimes you dont know when or even if you see people always easy to say....i know we will see each other again...but will you really....but with Banu, i know im going to see her again cause she only signs off when im back.....she is already planning what to do in Alanya, her home town...sounds amazing.......

After i left i took the people mover to Piazzala di Roma....and then it was time to find a nice restaurant with wifi...where i could chill until my flight.....have drinks, eat something and have coffee.....and i wanted to sit outside....with good view and nice atmosphere..oh yes...and i did not want to be chased out.....found a great spot, near this amazing underwear shop that i found in start with i had a glass of white wine...needed to celebrate having finished my 4months contract.....not gonna go into details.....but had some more drinks...a carprese with 3 large roles (i mention the roles cause they were baked with good and yes....they were so good that i had three....and they were bloody big.....dip them in olive oil with salt...amazing)..... Ended with a macchiato....and then i def could not leave Italy without having their famous aperitif, campari is supposed to be a pre drink but so what....i was at the restaurant for 5.5 hrs....and nO i was not bored...actually loved is a pic of carprese.....And the place

Then....time to buy some marzipan....they have famous Venice marzipan....and seeing that im a sucker for it..had to buy...bought three different "fruits".... And yes...i did take a pic...not the best....but i think you get the point....hEre is the pic........Taste very good......but actually not as good as when it was mixed with that banana dessert thingy....

ARound 6 i went to the airport, i was gonna stay a couple of days in Europe after my contract...but someone i changed my mind and decided id rather go home....rather come earlier to Europe when i sign on again...then i also can plan a little flight was at 10pm...Emirates to at do you sleep and then next flight was at i past my 5 hrs, trying to connect to internet...sending some mails and having good cappuccino at Cafe Nero...and yes....bought some souvenir things, well of course it is food, both in Venice and Dubai....Venice Italian things, obvious i know, and in Dubai i bought 3 different mixed nuts...was gonna take it all home...but guess who ate way way too much and felt so sick...yip....not sure why i ate too much...comfort eating...boredom....just plain good nuts....You the time i boarded the second plane i was finished....slept 3 hrs...then i wanted to watch some movies.....Hunger games (which was good, but cannot compare to books) and then One week with Marilyn....also not bad....some very nice parts....some dragging writing this from the plane...ill post when i get home.......or tomorrow actually....cause i guess a small update of my welcome home is in order...or part of this cheers for now......Actually ill post the welcome home in the next blog.....cheers




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