
So....i was off at 12:30.... Had some really really good lunch at the Garden cafe...there was Brie cheese so you an only imagine i was in heaven...and there was hummous and pita bread.....so good....unfortunately we were only getting to Dubrovnik at 2pm and i started work again at 16:30... And we have to take a shuttle bus to Dubrovnik. For cw it always leaves at 30min past and returns always on the full hrs....so the question pondered in my mind....should i take the 2:30 bus and return with the 4pm bus....and i think you all know what i decided.....1.5 hrs out....damn right..... 

Radu was off at 14:30, so he decided to sneak out at 14:20 and we made the 14:30 shuttle bus....as we got there i wanted to have a drink at this restaurant in the cliffs with amazing view...this was perfect cause Radu wanted a swim.....so both of us would be happy.....i loved it...just ordered a fshly squeezed orange juice and sat looking at the view...so so amazing.....at 15:30 we decided we would have some time to buy some wine....make a plan to sneak t onto ship and hopsefully find some ice cream on the way to the shuttle bus....this time we ran a little....supermarket was open....now here is a little story....but first...some pics of the cliff restaurant....

Now to the funny wine story....as we entered the supermarket we saw some good wine but they all needed cork skrewers...but that was a problem because in order to get wine onto ship, sneak it in, we have to poor it into a water bottle....so we took the wine bottle ran with it to a restauant, they opened it for us, the poored our the waterfrom the bottle, filled it and started to run towards shuttle bus....but we didnt want to leave without ice cream of course...so a quick take away...yoghurt flavoud ice cream....so so yummy and we were on the 4pm bus...man...talk about efficiency....that was so much fun...so much adreneline.....fun times....work was good cause i finsihed at 8, so glad to be morning shift.....i was smashed and the only thing i wanted was to have a ealy nite....so good nite....that was the plan....until Dina and i decided to have some people in the room with wine and peanuts....turned out to be a very cool nite...but also very early in the morning...oh well.....will go to bed early tonite...that is a def def......so tomorrow we are in Athens....so will blog again soon....cheers for now......



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