Some updates

Its May...and yes, it has been a while since I have last posted, but a lot has been happening and let me tell you a little bit about it before I start recapping from February...after having been to Verona.

Let's do a quick recap...
-After Verona we had some friends visiting us in Tuscany and we went to Saturnia, hot springs, amazing, we loved it.
-Sofia and I travelled to the Philippines to visit my sister and her family and the cousins loved spending time with each other.
-We also had Ben visiting us and we decided to do a family holiday to Ponte di Legno, north of Verona (northern Italy in the Dolomites) where we spent one week.
-At the end of Kim's 10 weeks (before returning to the ship), Kim and I visited Dallas and Austin, as we have decided to move to Dallas in the summer 2017.
-Sofia, mom and dad then joined me in Dallas to look at the area and of course to search for a house.
-After a week, Sofia and I joined Kim on the cruise ship going out of Tampa for 2 weeks (western Caribbean)
-Sofia and I then returned to Italy to help with the packing of the containers before leaving again for the ship which was now based out of Southampton.
-We embarked the ship on May 14th in Southampton where we were joined by some great friends, Paul and Pamela for a lunch. Paul was also the one that reminded me that I have not written a blog in quite some time and that he was missing it, I took to heart what Paul had said and hence I am devoting some time to catch up. After all it is a passion of mine and I do love doing writing blogs. Now you are probably thinking...enough writing....Sandra, when are you getting to the point.

I am almost there, the reason why I did not have so much time to write was because I was studying for my GMAT exam which is the entrance exam for an MBA. Yes, I have decided to do an MBA and guess what...I have been accepted into one of the top 100 MBA universities of the WORLD...I am exhilarated and I cannot wait to start in the fall of 2017 at SMU.

So yes, you will hear from me again soon....this time...definitely pics.....and next blog will be about Saturnia.

So for now...cheers from me...and once again...sorry for taking so long to write. 


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