Monte Amiata

Before Kim departed for the ship we wanted to do a day trip going to Mont Amiata with the bike....we were running out of time before Kim was going to the the day we chose was quite a grey and rainy day...oh well...our gear was waterproof, and thus we thought why not....we left around 10 and at least it was not raining then.

First we made our way towards Montepulciano and then towards Radicofani. Kim had read a little bit about Radicofani....The main landmark of Radicofani is its Rocca (Castle), of Carolingian origin and documented since 978 as Castle of Ghino di Tacco. Occupying the highest point of a hill, at 896 metres, it was restored after the conquest from the Grand Duchy of Tuscany (1560–67). It has two lines of walls: the external one has a pentagonal shape, while the inner one is triangular, with three ruined towers at each corner and a cassero (donjon) which can be visited.The most famous personality of Radicofani is Messer Ghino di Tacco, the “Gentleman Bandit“, who lived here at the end of the 13th century, and is also mentioned by both Boccaccio and Dante in their works, for its sometimes tyrannical and cruel deeds but always to do good. We could say that Ghino di Tacco is the Italian version of Robin Hood

Unfortunately when we arrived there the village was full of fog, we could not see more than 3m ahead of we actually could not even see the fort or the amazing view. We decided to stop at one of the vinotecas and have a cappuccino and a cornetti....the vinoteca was beautiful...very quaint....let me share some pics...

 Kim on the bike in Radicofani



 Vinoteca Interior

 Bar Area


Cappuccino and Cornetti

The cappuccino...hmmm...the foam was way too airy and did not stick...and the coffee also was not very good...the cornetti on the other hand was absolutely delicious. Moving on....I definitely said that I would like to come back when the weather is better because I would love to see the fort, for now though....we decided to move on....we made our way to Piancastagnaio and then to Abbadia S. Salvatore where we had lunch. 

We stopped at the Conad supermarket in Piancastagnaio because my shoes are in fact NOT waterproof and I needed new socks...hahaha...I then wrapped my new socks in plastic bags and was hoping for the best. Lunch we stopped in Abbadia S. hindsight (one is always more clever), we should have stopped in Piancastagnaio...I saw some vinotecas where it would have been nice to eat...because Kim and I were looking forward to eating a nice platter.....but somehow we thought too late....anyway....we found a lunch place in Abbadia after circling the village a few times...we just could not decide where to go...nothing looked very appealing....we ended up in some Pizzeria....the pizza came from an oven and I was disappointed...however, it filled my hungry tummy and it warmed me up. Let me share a pic...


After that we made our way to Mont Amiata. Mount Amiata (La Vetta) is a compound lava dome with a trachytic lava flow that extends to the east. It is part of the larger Amiata complex volcano. The landscape is absolutely beautiful. It was a pity that is was rainy a little and foggy...but we still really enjoyed it. It was difficult to take pictures because of the rain...let me share some pics....

 Mont Amiata

 Mont Amiata

 Kim on the bike on Mont Amiata

Mont Amiata

After that we went to Castel del Piano, then Monte Amiata (the village...more like just a trainstation), then Castelnouvo del'Abbate then Montalcino, then Buonconvento and then home...what a nice trip...yes, my feet were wet, the rest of me were dry though. I honestly loved it....we had a great day, saw new places, I would most definitely go better weather.....for now though I say goodnight and we chat soon...cheers from me. 


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