Barcelona....part II

Day 2....start of the day...why not go to a quaint little coffee shop which serves fabulous many to choose from...difficult choice....i ended up going witht the walnut cake (debate was between the carrot and the walnut), Blanca could not decide so she actually did half and half....half carrot cake and half choc cake....the cakes were all delicious and i was definitely happy with my choice.....and yes...i do have a pic....

Our breakfast
They specialise in that is of course what we ordered.....after that time to go to Tibidado mini-amusement main reason for going there was for the spectacular view over Barcelona and to see the beautiful neo-gothic temple called Sagrat Cor....the view was ok...unfortuntately a bit foggy and misty....but the temple Sagrat Cor was beautiful.....
Me enjoying the view
Sagrat Cor Temple

Encore Sagrat Cor Temple

After that...time for put this into a time is now 1pm...we had breakfast at 10:30am.....apperitifo....consited of patata brava and for me a campari soda and for Blanca a beer...and again...the patatas were delicious....we sat in the sun and just chilled...enjoyed.....

Patata brava
Campari and check out the soda fountain that i received....haha...i struggled at first how to use it

Then at 15:00 it was time for lunch at Blanca's grannie....and guess what i was in exciting...and yes...there was starters...a plate of cold meat (jamon Serrano and jamon Iberico) and cheese for each....of course typical cold meat and cheese...i was in my element...and then paella for so good....with name was so excellento....


And no...the lunch did not end there....the parents realised i love they organised a bottle of yummie...and then dessert....grana de capella (dried fruit) and nuts served with a typical dessert wine called moscatel and polvorones sweets (typical Spanish Christmas sweets often compared to biscuits, but with a drier consistency. They crumble into an almond and butter flavoured powder that dissolves in your mouth on the first bite...hence the name "powdery cake".)...then there was also mazapan and not to forget the famous panettone....divine....i had to try it all...and i guess i do not need to say...i was stuffed...delicious...and interestingly the majority of Spanish Christmas sweets contain almonds or other types of nuts or fruits....the sweets, polovorones....i absoloutely loved...especially the almond flavour...the parents gave me a whole box as a i shared a little with kim...we did fight over they were truely amazing...he loved the almond and lemon....choc was ok...but not our best....and we also got a bottle of Cava as a spoilt....

After lunch....time to go into Barcelona and visit the National Museum of Catalan Art at Plaza Espana....very nice...and when you go outside you have the view of a large fountain designed by Jospe Maria Jujol...after that time to go to the mall which is actually an old bullring (Plaza de Toros)...where we would enjoy the lights of the fountain and guess what...go for a 4 course dinner...yes...we will eat again...the lights were pretty...however...if it was not so cold we would have stayed at the museum and watched from there because then we could have also heard the music...but still nice to see the fountain dancing

View from Museum
View from the old a mall

So...should i share some more pics of the food....1st course therewere two options croquettes or patata brava...we decided to take both and share.....

Patata brava and croquettes

Next up was the the choice of a typical spanish dish called Huevos Rotos....french fries mixed with egg and proscuitto or mushroom risotto...again we decided to take both and go half and half....

Risotto and Huevos Rotos

Next up mains....Blanca went for the chicken and i went for tuna....and dessert...although we were so full....there is a traditional dessert called Carquibyols....biscuit flavoured with almonds and served with ice cream and underneath and sticky almond paste...good...but i would not order again...i would order something else...but anyway good to try....


Well....the food has been delicious in these two days and of course also the sight-seeing as well as the company...i have really enjoyed now vacation time is over...tomorrow morning Blanca will take me to the ship....Norwegian Spirit....i am nervous for a new ship...just so glad that Kim will be fetching me at the pier and help next blog will be from the for now cheers....



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