Last few weeks.....part zwei promised...there is a second part to my last few weeks spent on the the team received €50.00 from a guest and it was decided to buy goodies.....chips and chocs for the team....organise some springrolls and pizza and have a karaokee, i dont sing.....but i like listening to bad singing...and the best part is when some people think they sing really well....but they really dont....the evening was fun....sadly they ordered vegetarian pizza.....but springrolls were fab and of course lindt chocs yummie.....and then the evening ended at the white hot party in Spinnaker

Me, Mark and Blanca
Christine, Alfie, Sascha, me, Mark, Blanca and Shewta

So...the last cruise was quite special.....we had 700 Elvis fans on board..and yes...Elvis was all around the ship...with his hairstyle and white suit.....and Priscilla Presley was also on board with the TCB band.....The TCB band features 3 original Elvis band members with a new singer, but he has been with the band since about 15 years and he is from Austria...Anyway...was a cool cruise with all Elvis fans and on the second last night there was a special concert and Kim managed to get us tickets....was quite cool...But even better than the concert was the fans....they were amazing to watch.....what an experience...and after that we went for a drink in the Spinnaker....wot a nice is a pic....

Also...the last week kim and i managed to see something in Izmir we actually have not seen before...we took a taxi to a place called Asansor.....just 15min from the is an old elevator that used to take people from one lower level road to higher level apartments...and now at the top it has a small cafe and view is why not go there and have a is a pic of the elevator building....

Asansor Tower

Once up we decided to do Turkish style.....tea...sipping with a view and just enjoying....

View from Asansor
History of Asansor

After outing without going to the nut shop and kim eating a Dohner kebab is just not complete....and guess what...finally on my last Izmir (for quite a while) i actually took a pic of the famous nut place...and as mentioned the peanuts with the skins and coarse salt....definitely the winner...we bought 500g and kim made me promise not to eat them until the airport in Venice so he could enjoy them with a beer....hahaha...

Famous nut shop....there are 2 in the main street

So....11 weeks are over....saturday was sign off day....and we saw my sister and Sandro in the morning cause they are on honeymoon in they popped in for a breakfast at Cagney's and then a coffee at Aloha bar....i showed them the ship and kim showed them the bridge...they were really what a nice way to end the 11 weeks ont the cheers from blog will be holiday good....

Kim, Fabienne and Sandro on the bridge
Fabienne and Sandro with is at Cagney's having breakfast
Kim and i before signing off
Aloha bar



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