
So its time to travel again...which we all know how much i love...this time our trip starts in Borgo/Provoo, Kim's home city and of course it also consisted of a day trip to Helsinki. The trip to Borgo consisted of a lot of eating different kinds of fish and different ways of making it, from gravalax (Katja's house) to salmon quiche (Cafe Gabriela) to muikku (Helsinki) to salmon soup and stromming at Kim's parents.....of course what i also love is the old town, it is really breath-taking, we always take strolls have something to drink it is really before i explain the various fish dishes, let me share some pics of the old town....

Little churcH
Main church
Old town
Old town

As you can see the old town has a lot of let me explain a little about the food...gravalax is raw salmon cured with salt, sugar and dill, it must be cured for at least 24hrs, Kim makes it a lot for us at home in South Africa, and whenever he makes it, it is the absoloute bomb, everyone loves it, this time we had it at Katja's house and it was delicious. The salmon quiche we ate at Cafe Gabriela.....we actually went there to eat reindeer quiche (i had that last time and it was so yummie), but this time they did not have, which was actually quite a surprise cause they specialise in quiches, they had everything from asparagus to caprese to salmon to spinach&ricotto....but somehow that day the reindeer was missing....oh well...the salmon was good.....

Salmon quiche

Muikku i will explain in my next blog when I am going to write about next up is salmon soup....quite simple, creamy based with chunks of salmon, potatoes, leeks and carrots...simple, yet excellent....and last but not least, Kim asked for some stromming, which in English in herring. They are pan fried and served with mashed potato....delicious

There ar some other Finnish things which i love....namley....karjalanpiirakka (its rye bread stuffed with rice and butter, then you can top it with cheese or cold meat or boiled eggs, can be eaten warm or cold), leipajuusto aKa known as Finnish squeaky cheese made from fresh cow's beestings, cow's milk that has recently calved nd this very very dark rye bread

Leipajuuste with cooudberry jam
Finnish rye bread

Of course not all we did was eat...we also saw Kim's friends and one of the spots we always visit is this little bar/cafe by the river....i love the look of it...cappucchino i would not have as it is served in an almost soup like cup which is way too milky....but the place is really nice

Bar/cafe by the river

One day we also drove out to Pellinge where we even had to take the ferry cause it is a small island, the ferry only took 5 minutes, but i thought it was so cool, of course it is a ferry for the cars....nice to go see the archipelago.....and yes, i did take some pics which i can share

On the ferry to Pellinge
Kim on the ferry

Always nice to go see Kim's home city and eat the traditional Finnish food.....see you in blog i will write about our day trip to Helsinki




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