
So...buonconvento is about a 25min drive from our place....why do we go there...well...i got recommended to go there for a beautician....now you might be thinking...well is there not anything closer.....more convenient....well...and yes, you might be right....BUT....and this is a BIG BUT not all places are as hygenic as i am used to....i tried this nail place....and they did not even sterilize the nail files....now imagine going there for a facial or a wax....i don't think so....hahaha....so when this place got recommended, i didn't actually care that it was a 25min drive.....

The place where i went is called Farmessere, Centro Estetico on Via Roma 15/17, Buonconvento....and i must say...i will go back...i was not disappointed at all...friendly, hygenic....efficient...on time...exactly what you would expect and want...even the first look at the place impressed me....as we say....great first impression and treatments also did not disappoint...let me share a pic of the entrance....

Centro Estetico
Buonconvento also has a small old town (car-free) with a few restaurants and shops.....very pretty old town...still has these old wooden gates at the entrance...and this beautiful clock tower....
Clock tower in the old town
In the end we decided we should try one of the restaurants for lunch called Ristorante da Mario (in the old town)....it was full of Italians so we thought...what the heck..let's try it....one of the waiters came and told us what was available for lunch....he started with pastas and moved on to secondi....we did not want a full on lunch...so dad ordered pasta cinghiale and mom and i asked for a piatto formaggi and salumi.....which was available....the next question from the waiter was vino rosso or bianco....dad went for vino rosso and mom and i asked for a bicchiere di prosecco.....
Funny....an entire bottle of red wine arrived...with no label and the cork already out....you drink however much you like...at the end they measure how much you drank and you get charged accordingly...hahaha.....i guess they refill the bottle afterwards and place it on the next patrons table....while waiting for the food we looked at the pics behind us...and check this out...
Ted Kennedy at Ristorante da Mario
An old photo showing that Ted Kennedy ate at this very restaurant...how funny....anyway...dad enjoyed his pasta.....mom and i thought the piatto was not good....the quality of the meat was great, but cut way too thick....and the cheese...well a little stingy....yes, i do have some pics....so let me share some....
Cinghiale Ragu
Piatto di salumi e formaggio
Mutti and I have also visited the little town once for a coffee....in fact we wanted to go to this specific pasticceria Le Dolcezze di Nanni....but we were disappointed...they close at 13:00 and only re-open at 16:30....it was 13:45...we were not going to wait....i guess we need to come back another time....look how pretty the entrance sign looks....
Entrance sign
Anyway...moving on...so we ended up at this caffe/ bar called Sandy, opposite the road...had absoloutely no atmosphere at all...the food did not look really appealing...so at least we had lunch already and were not hungry...so we ordered our cappuccino (disappointed by the fact that the beautiful pasticceria was closed). I have to admit...the cappuccino was not so bad, it was a strong coffee, small cup, thick-ish foam and not too little foam....could have had a bit more and could have been a bit thicker foam....no cookie but i survived...hahaha....let me share a pic....(i must say the pic does not quite do justice to the actual foam quality).
Cappuccino at Sandy
This concludes my blog on Buonconvento....yes, i am definitely going back to the Centro Estetico for facial and wax...and yes...i will go back to try cappuccino and pastry at Dolcezze di Nanni....for now though...cheers...hope you are still enjoying reading my blogs...lots on Italy I know...but soon...well a few weeks...I will have some new ventures to chat about....but for now....it is Italy...Italy and some more Italy.



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